Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wow, I'm boring.

I know it's been awhile since my last post, I went to my beloved Texas for a week, and then promptly came home to an upper respiratory infection :-) Lucky me!

Amarillo was a blast, as always. Bryce was informed two days before the weekend that he was going to have the following week off of work, meaning that he would be able to also go to Texas! Unfortunately I had already purchased my plane tickets to leave the following Thursday, and Bryce wanted to leave Sunday. So he went ahead and drove down, while I stayed behind to work until Thursday. It was only four days apart from each other, but it was so hard to not see him even if it was only four days! I was a little worried about going down, since my blood count was a little low, but I managed to stay well until the day I got home lol. While it was great seeing my friends, spending time with my grandparents and best friend, it was evident how different my life and my priorities are from just a year ago. I was ecstatic to come home to my wonderful husband (who had cleaned the whole house for me) and my sweet dogs. Wyoming isn't so bad after all if it has my family in it! I am a blessed woman, and sometimes leaving things behind for a week is just the reminder I need. I wouldn't move back to Amarillo for anything, if my family wasn't going to be there with me.

Funny story from my Texas adventure: I had to renew my drivers license while I was down there with my new name on it, so after almost a week of procrastination, I went on Wednesday to the DMV to await the long lines of hell. I got there 15 minutes before they opened, hoping to avoid the swarms of people and germs that they carry, only to find that I was not the only one with that idea. After waiting until 8:30 (45 minutes) I finally make it to the hipo that gives you the paperwork and the number you are in line to get your stuff done. After running my license, he proceeds to escort me to a back room and tell me that I am going to jail because there is a warrant out for my arrest. Since my LAST invalid warrant escapade, I have been carrying around the paperwork clearing my name, JUST IN CASE the incompetency of Randall/Potter county continues. Sure enough, here we are. So I hand the guy the paperwork, and he is convinced that this paperwork clears nothing, and is trying to get me to sign a waiver to "extradite" me to Potter county. It's a 10 minute drive. Really? After coaxing the bitter highway patrol man into at least investigating my paper work, he tells me that he will check but he is 99.9% sure that the warrant is valid because "we just don't put warrants into the system that are incorrect". An hour later, after all my make up streamed off because I am crying, freaking out that I am going to jail, he comes in and says "guess you are in the .1 percent. Lets get you back in line!". I then wait four more hours to finally get my dang license renewed. GAY.

Living in Wyoming, I am a five hour drive from my doctor at the cancer center in Grand Junction, CO, so when I get sick, its a little more complicated to receive treatment than it used to be when it was just a short drive to the hospital. I called Dr. Wettstien on day three of being sick, when I spiked a low grade temperature. Generally doctors don't worry about low grades, unless you are a Neutropenic ;-) Then, a 99.7 degree fever can land you in isolation with lots of yummy antibiotics running through your veins. Dr. Wettstien called in a few prescriptions to the local Kemmerer pharmacy, and I started taking them immediately. It's really nice having a doctor who doesn't find it necessary to make me drive 300 miles just to get an antibiotic prescription and be sent on my way. Five days later, I am fever free and aside from a sporadically runny nose and an occasional cough, I am feeling much better.

In the midst of all of this, Dr. Wettstien was able to get my appointment made with the Transplant team, so on October 20, I will get a lot more details on what the next few years are going to look like. Bryce has already taken off work for that day, meaning we will drive down the night before, and drive back after the appointment on Thursday. It will be a quick trip, but so worth it since Bryce gets to actually come! I think after the last appointment it was hard for him because he only got to hear everything second hand, and sometimes hearing it from a doctor is a lot more comforting than worrying that things are getting lost in translation. It means a lot to have a husband who is genuinely concerned about my health (on most days anyway, sometimes I just want to tell him to quit worrying!) He is strong for me sometimes, and its a different dynamic that I could definitely get used to.

On a stupid note, I went to return our latest Red box rental ("Just Go With It" hilarious) and instead grabbed the wrong DVD (New Moon :-( ) and returned it to the machine. Bryce wouldn't stop laughing at me but I am really really bummed because I love my Twilight movies. Don't judge me. But if you ever find yourself in the same predicament, the nice lady named "Tiandria" would be glad to take your name and address to return your movie to you. I feel dumb.

1 comment:

  1. Good post, except you have a weird sense of humor. The story about the DMV wasn't funny at all! Glad you're feeling better. I know getting sick can be a real pain in the butt. Probably more for you than Rachel since you're so far from the hospital. Keep the blogs coming!
